My Silver Award from

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Crocheted Bear: INSANE!!

I never knew it was possible to crochet a bear until I received my new project from Annie's Attic's Crochet and Knit Club this month. I started in on this bear with a joy my heart had not known for crocheting. Okay that is a bit much BUT I was quite eager to get it done. MAN this thing is not as intermediate as they make it seem.
 I am following the pattern to the letter and for some reason I still end up short a stitch on one row and too many stitches on another?! But when I get that straightened out and I am ready to go to the next part (it says the bear is crocheted in one piece), it doesn't match up! You are supposed to fold the bear in half and stitch the bear together with a yarn needle or tapestry needle. But the bear doesn't line up. And this is not the first project that didn't go right from them. My baby cocoon from the previous month? It was supposed to start with a chain 2, but you need to start cocoons with a chain 4! They never made a correction. And one of my utter annoyances with this club is the quality of the yarns they pack into the kits. I mean I am paying $24.98 every 2 months for 2 kits and the yarn is horrible. It splits. It sheds worst than my dog Sheba used to. It is CHEAP!! And SO unnecessary. They could afford to add yarn from even Red Heart and I would love it better than this crap. Yes I take their survey after I complete the project and yes I tell them the yarn is horrible, and no this made no difference. Why ask for my opinion if you are not willing to make changes? So I am a little over the bear right now. It is wrapped up until I have the patience again to cope with its insanity lol.